Saturday, July 24, 2010

Finally some decent bass!

Kevin got a cat on a Creme worm!

Man it was a great night! We went to a new spot that I already knew of, but always believed to be off limits. However, the other night a guy I talked to while fishing told me that he fished there quite often. I hooked up about seven times, but only landed three. But seeing as how I have had a run of one fish outings, and a case of the dinks, I'll take these three and be happy!

Now here comes the "fish story"... I hooked up with what I believe was the biggest bass I have ever caught. It was simply huge. If it wasn't 10 pounds I'll eat my hat. I hooked into it, and had a heck of a fight. My drag is not super tight, but it's not way loose either. He took it and ran out my line like a sailfish! I finally got him in, and up on deck and he started flopping wildly, before I could reach him the line snapped. I made a mad scramble to catch him but he flopped right over the side, and I saw him swim away with my worm fluttering at the side of his mouth. I have, on the advice of some people, been trying a mono leader with my braid. That is what snapped. I am done with it. I had 14# mono on it and lost the biggest bass of my life.

I have not noticed any benefit from using it, so I am just going to stop. I'll let ya'll know how that goes.

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