Sunday, May 30, 2010

First bass on a beetle spin!

You might notice that the clip came undone. I was so lucky!

Got this one on a T-rigged creme. Love that pattern.

Nothing spectacular, however, I had a big first. I got my first bass on a beetle spin! It wasn't too big, but on the cast before I had a much smaller bass catch it and then throw the hook. He was actually the first bass I have had go for a beetle spin, but the first one I caught is above.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Three from today.

Whata' dink!

I haven't been out in a few days. The fish have really not been biting, and I have been more focused on getting my computer back in order after a really bad virus. However, I did get out this evening, and it was a bit better than the last few times.

I hooked up with five bass, and landed three. They were all little guys, but much better than nothing at all!

I got three of the fish on small cremes and two on a large creme on a prerigged T-rig with an offset bass hook.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Those Creme Worms...

They come pre-rigged!

Creme's Worms

It's just a dink!

I thought I would showcase the Creme worms that I am always mentioning here. I discovered them sometime last year, but I had not really used them much until early last month. That is when I discovered the ones I am posting here. They are very good mimics of live worms, and bass just kill them. I have caught more bass with these than any other single lure. They are even better than live bait for catching bass, because the bluegills tend to ignore them, so they actually target the bass. I have caught a few pan fish on them, but far, FAR more bass

As you can see if you scroll down a post, this is what Carla caught her hawg on, and there are plenty of pics down there of fish I took on these. If you want to go catch some bass I highly recommend popping down to Wally-World and picking up a few of these. The pack shown here is around a buck fifty, and the larger one down front runs just a few cents more.

We went out this evening, but the bass just were not cooperating. Carla briefly hooked up with a small bass on a jig, but it got off. I took one with a Bandit Crankbait in a leopard frog pattern, but that was it.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Biggest ever!

First bass!!!

Went out with Carla and her brother today. I didn't catch anything, but they both got a bass each. For Carla it was her biggest bass ever, and for Kevin it was his first!

Carla got her's on a creme worm, making it her first fish on an artificial lure, and Kevin got his on a beetlespin.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

There's a reason they don't call it catching...

Bass get me all giddy.

The last two mornings have been a bust. Only caught two fish yesterday, and only one of those was a bass. This morning I managed three small ones on a creme worm. I am going again this evening,with Carla and her brother, hopefully the fish will be in a better mood.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010


How did he get that in his mouth???

Well, not a complete bust. I caught two fish this morning. I am not sure what turned the fish off, maybe a high pressure system moving through, but it was dead out there. I threw almost everything in my box at them, but they just weren't having any of it. In two and a half hours of fishing I only managed to nab a small bass and a bluegill on crankbaits.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

3 Posts In One!

Where's the worm?

He inhaled it!

My morning session sucked (I will expand on that in the 3rd part), however the evening was very productive.

In the last few days, after doing some research and then putting it to use, I have fallen in love with crankbaits. These things flat out work. I have owned a few over the years, but to the best of my memory I have never caught a fish on one until last year when I hooked up with a tiny bass on my Rebel Teeny Crawfish. It was just luck though, and after many subsequent attempts and failures at catching fish with it again I gave up on it for a long time. However, after reading a lot on these baits I gathered some good info on how to fish these guys, and wow, What a difference it made!

I have been focusing on this particular style of lure for the past few days, but I also tossed some of my beloved cremes and pulled out a few pretty nice bass with them too. The biggest bass I have ever caught on artificial's have come off these little plastic worms. I did hook up with a huge bass this morning with a crankbait, but I didn't get the hook set good and he shook it.

I actually replaced the hooks of two of my cranks because of these missed hookups, and it paid off!


I shot this quick clip for my friend John in South Dakota. Thought I'd toss it up here. And no, I didn't actually kiss the fish.


Epic Fail Litterers!

This is something that not only saddened me, but it also angered me deeply. I am no tree hugger, but trash in nature is not only ugly, it is dangerous to wildlife. If you have never thought about that, or maybe don't really believe it, then look at that fish real close.

I don't know how long it was trapped in that bag, but the water in the bag was hot, and he was very weak. He was floating on the surface, and couldn't manage to push the bag down for more than a few inches before he floated right back up. The spines on his fins were impaled through the bag so that she couldn't back out. I had a hard time hooking the bag, but I didn't give up.

Please think about this picture the next time you don't feel like walking a few extra feet to the trashcan. I know I will.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Non-target species.

Nice Bluegill

Grass Carp

Texas Cichlid

Sand Perch

Softshell Turtle: Oops!

Don't worry, he's not dead.

I thought I would share a few pics of other fish I have caught over the past year and a half. One is from the ocean. That's right, I actually go fishing for something other than bass, gasp!

I love to catch bluegill and crappie, and other sunfish species. Almost nothing fights harder than a big bluegill! I also go pier fishing at Jax beach, and river fishing when I get the chance.

BTW: I do not target turtles, or for that matter, anything else that doesn't have fins.

Chased out by the rain...

They kill those cremes!

Biggest of the morning.

Just look at that beautiful pattern.

However, I did manage to pull in four bass, and hook another. The first one I hooked on a little gold colored crankbait, but I failed to set the hook and he threw it.

All of the others came on creme worms. I tried throwing other crankbaits, and other soft plastics, but all the wanted were the natural colored cremes.

The clouds started rolling in just after sunrise, and while I appreciated the shade, the rain which started soon after that was not so welcome. I sat it out for a bit, not wanting to leave while they were biting, but they stopped and I had my iPod and the camera in my pocket, so it was time to go.

The first picture was of the second bass, and the next two are of the fourth.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Morning Session

Biggest of the year! (So far.)

The live worm bass.

A beautiful fish.

Look at those perfect fins!

I went out this morning at about 6am and sat up in my special spot. I took a day off because I had fished 6 days in a row, and just needed a break. I did not have great hopes, because my last trip proved to be unproductive with a missed hookup, and a line snap with a big bass, but nothing else.

I could not have been more wrong. I pulled in five bass in about an hour and a half. I had two missed hookups, and one nice sized bas shake the hook and lose my worm for me. The first bass I pulled in came from the first cast. As soon as it hit the water this tiny little bass attacked it. By the look of it I thought he was huge, but he proved to be a tiny guy with a big attitude. The next bass was a BIG one, the biggest so far this year! I swear I need to get a scale. The last three were all of average size, but nice nonetheless.

All but one of my strikes came on the same lure. A natural colored Creme double hooked worm. It has been the most productive lure for me this year. The only one that was not on this lure was a bass that hit on a live worm that I picked up off the ground. I hooked him up and tossed him in on a lark and it paid off with a pretty decent bass.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

My Local Spot

My spot

My Setup

No fish today. I did hook one, but as soon as I got him up to me the line snapped and he got away with my hook, worm, and pride. I did, however, snap a pick of my favorite spot in the neighborhood that I like to throw worms at.

I sit on that point just under the lamp post. It has been a pretty productive spot in the last two years. There are some other places I like, but there is just something about that narrow point at the bridge that holds the bass. Plus the kids tend to stay away from that spot, which is a bonus!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Two From Today.



I hooked up with seven bass today, however I only landed three small ones. I Got two small ones on a purple worm with a neon pink tail, and the others on a realistic worm. I hooked up with a huge bass that shook the hook at the last second, I know, the one that got away.

I don't really mind that the big one got away, the fight was fun. The thing that really ticks me off is I lost my dang worm!

More Bass

Here are few bass from the last few days. They are the biggest I have landed this year!

Bass Fever!

I’m starting a blog to document my adventures in fishing. Most of it will be new stuff, but some will be from before i started this blog.

Case in point, the bass above. He is the biggest bass I have caught in many years, and the biggest I have a record of. I was alone, in the late evening, fishing at the lake behind my grandmother’s house, when I hooked up with something that felt like a sinking rock! I set the hook hard and started fighting. It took about 5 minutes to get it all the way up to shore. The last 30 seconds or so were very exciting. He jumped high and pulled hard, snapping my rod in half. I had to fight him up to the side of the lake with half a rod, and the other half slapping around like crazy.

But it was all worth it. What a great fish!

BTW: I’m the one in orange.